Getting started

When and how to hire help for your creative project
For every creator, there comes a time to figure out what you can offload so that you can make sure you’re able to attend to the heart of your work — the part no one can do but you.
How to overcome your fear of being on camera
Whether you're a vlogger, an influencer, or simply someone who wants to be more comfortable with video calls and virtual presentations, here are some strategies to help you feel more at ease in front of the camera.
5 tips for managing your media consumption
It pays to be deliberate about media consumption — and to tailor your media diet. We talked to a couple of accomplished podcasters about how they manage it; their insights are just as relevant for video creators and anybody who’s serious about creating good content.
Project management tools to keep your podcast on track
If you’re creating a podcast, you’re managing a project. And that means project management software can help you.
The best project management software to streamline your video production
Project management software for video production is geared specifically towards helping video creators keep track of everything that goes into their work, from pre-production to post and everything in between.
5 ways to establish your podcast's brand
It's not just logos and fonts -- these branding element flow from having a thorough, thoughtful understanding of what your podcast is trying to do and what you want to offer listeners. 
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