
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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3 unique ways to grow an interview podcast
If you have an interview podcast and you’re looking to grow your audience, congratulations: you already have built-in growth potential. Here's how to take advantage of that potential.
Scene blocking and staging: How fiction podcasts keep your ear on the action
Fiction podcasts borrow from theatre principles to help listeners follow the story. The secret lies in two tools of sound design: panning and attention to locational detail.
Forget something? Here's a handy podcast episode posting checklist
Here’s a useful checklist of things you’ll need to take care of before you hit publish on any given episode of your show.
Every podcast needs a newsletter — here's how to make it a good one
A newsletter will bring benefits you just can’t get on any other platform, and there are simple ways to produce a newsletter that will create a good return on your investment. 
How to create a personalized podcast workflow that makes your life easier
Scrambling to do all the editing, writing, graphic designing, and video production you need for your next podcast episode? You need a podcast workflow.
How 21 fiction podcasts are making video work for their shows
Video for fiction podcasts is inherently going to be a different ballgame than video for interview or chat podcasts, but there's a way to do it without ruining your show's immersion and intimacy.
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