
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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The importance of continuity editing in film and video
Continuity is the notion that a sequence of shots all need to feel as unified and fluid as if they were a single shot through a series of camera and editing techniques.
Point of view shot: Why a subjective shot is important in film
Here’s a deep dive on this essential shot, including how best to use it and some of the classic film scenes that made it famous.
How to Create the Perfect Insert Shot for Your Film
An insert shot is an additional camera shot that a director uses to offer new visual information that couldn’t be gleaned from a single continuous shot.
Creating the perfect shot list before filming a video
A shot list is a planning document that goes through every setup in your project shot-by-shot and lays out everything you and your crew need to know to make it happen.
Pro tips for using edited sound effects in your videos
A sound effect is any non-musical or non-vocal audio that’s produced and pre-recorded, inserting them into your project can elevate the viewing experience of your project.
The importance of video composition when shooting a film
Most directors and cinematographers abide by a few composition guidelines to some degree. As you study the art of composition in cinematography, keep the following rules in mind.
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