
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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Easiest and Fastest Way To Make a Lyric Video
From imagery to music, there are a lot of components that go into creating a lyric video. Whatever you decide to add, make sure you aren’t violating any copyright laws.
Creating the Perfect Establishing Shot in a Film
Establishing shots are usually the first shot in a sequence and are often wide shots, meaning that both the subject and their environment are included in the frame.
How to Make Your Own Viral Meme Video
Meme videos and social accounts that feature memes are popular across all ages and demographics because they make people smile
Get Personal in a Film Using a Close-Up Shot
A close-up shot influences the mood and meaning of a scene, it captures a human subject or object at close range and gives an intimate look at details they might miss.
How Intercutting Impacts Your Films
An intercut in film or video is an edited sequence that snaps back and forth between two or more camera shots that show a different course of action.
Learn the 10 best video cuts every pro editor should know
Video cuts are used to edit transitions in films and videos, they play a key role in storytelling. It’s on the editor to choose the best types of cuts for the narrative.
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