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What's New in Descript Podcast Studio
Last week we made a few big announcements, including the latest Descript release: a full multitrack podcast production studio. (Relaunch the app to update, or download here.)
How the Naval Podcast Team Distills Hour-Long Conversations Into Four-Minute Episodes
‍‍Babak Nivi agreed to let us peek behind the scenes at the process for turning one free-flowing conversation into many short episodes of the Naval Podcast. Here’s how they do it:
Ultra Fast Audio Synthesis with MelGAN
In this post, we introduce MelGAN, a new generative model of raw audio waveforms created by the Lyrebird team that is capable of generating natural sounding speech at a rate of more than 2,500,000 audio samples per second — more than 100x faster than real time, and 10x faster than alternative methods on similar hardware.We believe that MelGAN paves the way for taking many real-time speech applications onto smaller devices. Imagine, for example, in the not too distant future, having real-time text-to-speech translation on your mobile device without the internet. And, it’s application to music translation brings us one step closer to AI-assisted music composing.We’ve open sourced MelGAN and we encourage interested machine learning developers and researchers to check out our code base.
Which Automatic Transcription Service is the Most Accurate? — 2018
This post continues our series on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), the foundational technology that powers Descript’s super-fast transcription.
How Imputations Work: The Research Behind Overdub
Anyone in audio or video production has experienced the frustration of reviewing tape and finding just the right sound bite for a story… if only the speaker hadn’t flubbed some words or forgotten to mention something crucial at the right time. Sometimes the only choice is to go through the effort of re-recording or leaving out the almost-perfect sound bite altogether.
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