
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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The mighty transcript: How it can speed up your workflow
How transcription can speed up your workflow, and make your work more accessible
How transcription makes podcasts accessible, searchable, and easier to edit
While transcript may not be the thing that excited you about making a podcast, it turns out it’s one of the most valuable tools you have. Make your podcasts accessible with technology like Descript.
Is High-Resolution Audio Worth It? Here’s All You Need to Know
Today, streaming services are fighting to differentiate their offerings, in part by pushing hi-res audio. If you’re thinking of trying high-resolution audio, you’ve come to the right place.
How to compress audio files: Store smaller without sacrificing quality
Looking to compress your audio files without losing quality? Learn 4 easy compression methods you can use today.
What Is An Audio File Converter and How Do You Use It?
Audio file types are each encoded using a particular algorithm. In order for an application to be able to play an audio file, it has to know the algorithm that the file was encoded with.
What is a podcast script? The roadmap for your episode
A every good podcast requires intention and planning, if you want to start your own, at Descript you’ll find what you need to learn how to write a podcast script.
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