
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Best podcast equipment for beginners (that won't break the bank)
You don't need to spend a lot to start a podcast. Here's the best podcast equipment for beginners that will give you quality without the spend.
How to repurpose content: Tips, best practices, and examples
Content creation is a neverending job. Learning how to repurpose content for more channels can get you more engagement with less work.
Podcast interview tips: How to get the most out of an interview
Interviews are the backbone of many shows. Get podcast interview tips to help you select guests, craft good questions, and lead better interviews.
How to make a compelling podcast trailer in Descript
For a great podcast trailer, you'll want to hook listeners with a compelling logline, engaging audio clips, and a clear call to action. It's easy in Descript.
How They Made It: How Wild West Extravaganza took Josh Taylor from construction worker to full-time podcaster
When Josh Taylor first thought about starting a podcast, he didn't have a computer. Now he has tens of thousands of listeners. Here's how.
What is Value for Value (V4V) podcast monetization, and should you do it?
Discover Value for Value (V4V) podcast monetization: a game-changer for creators seeking direct audience support and more income potential.
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