
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Fine edits: Techniques & shortcuts to make your podcast sound pro
There are a zillion ways to do fine cuts — techniques, tools, keyboard shortcuts (or “hot keys”) — and no right or wrong way. So we asked a few pros for their pro-est tips..
Rough cuts: finding your story
Here we’ll delve a little more into rough cut techniques, in hopes of helping you focus your efforts so you can get a first cut faster.
How to write for your own voice
Writing in your own voice is harder than it sounds. Here's some expert advice to help you make it easier.
6 tips for recording remote podcast interviews
For a remote interview, the gear you use and your recording environment will play a large part in the quality of your recordings. Here’s what you need to know to get the right setup before the interview starts.
Crossfade audio: What crossfade is and how to edit it
Crossfading is a fundamental audio-editing technique that you’ll want to master.
The art of filler word removal
Knowing a little about the way filler words work on the listener’s brain can help you decide which ones might have value and which need to go.
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