
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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4 podcast crowdfunding tips to get your show off the ground
One of the most popular methods to raise money for a podcast is through a crowdfunding campaign. Here are 4 crowdfunding tips on how to design, build, and market a successful crowdfunding campaign that your audience can’t help but support. 
Your podcast probably needs a sensitivity reader. Here's how to use one
If you’re writing about a lived experience outside your own — especially of a person from a marginalized group — it’s hard to know whether you’re representing that experience accurately and respectfully. That’s why many creators use sensitivity readers.
It ain't over yet: 6 podcast marketing tips for a show that's ended
Just because your show is already out in the world doesn’t mean you can’t work your marketing skills! Here are six ways to get more listens to the podcast you've worked so hard on.
Don’t fear the beeper: Descript testimonial from Pacific Content’s Head of Audio
Shawn Cole recalls his skepticism at first learning about was Descript was trying to do — followed by excitement at all the things it really can do.
How to track podcast analytics: 5 data points to measure and grow your show
In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most common podcast analytics, why you may want to consider tracking them, and how to use the information you gather to make strategic decisions about your show.
How to optimize your podcast show notes for SEO (from an SEO expert)
In this article, you’ll learn what full-length podcast show notes are, why they’re an integral podcast marketing asset, and how to write them so you can attract more listeners and website viewers. 
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