
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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50+ podcast topic ideas to inspire your own (2024)
Ideally, you already have a concept of what you want your new podcast to be about. But if you don’t, we’ve put together 50+ podcast topic ideas to inspire your own.
How to nail your podcast introduction
To really nail your podcast introduction, there are a few elements to think about. Not only what to say, but what tone to set, how to edit, and how much housekeeping to include.
Unleash the power of your back catalog: How to harness podcasting's hidden gems
Podcasters who have been at it for a while are sitting on a hidden gem when it comes to growth potential: their own content.
How to use Threads as a podcaster
Hint: it's not about forcing a marketing strategy. It's about connecting, listening, and staying open to new ideas.
How to be a guest on a podcast: 5 tips for being a memorable podcast guest
Here's how to pitch yourself to be a guest on a podcast — and how to be the best podcast guest their audience has ever seen.
The pros and cons of using a podcast script
Explore the pros and cons of podcast scripting to help you understand whether this method of episode preparation is right for you and your show.
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