AI for Creators

In the hands of the right humans, AI can be a force of unlimited creativity. Learn how to use AI tools to produce your most innovative work yet.


5 advanced prompts to get better answers from ChatGPT
We've collected a few of the most useful advanced prompting techniques you can use to get better results faster, no matter what you're using ChatGPT to do.
How big-time creators are using generative AI
Look around and you’ll see all sorts of other interesting ways successful creators are putting AI to use — to collaborate in new ways, reimagine history, and make weird sandwiches.
How to get started with generative AI
Getting started with a weird, slightly frightening tool like generative AI can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to get started.
How I combine generative video tools with Descript to produce innovative special effects
In this article, I’m going to explain how I’ve been using generative video in combination with Descript to supercharge my creativity — and how you can do the same.
3 ways to get ChatGPT to write like you
With the help of a bestselling professional ghostwriter, we tried three methods to generate text in a specific voice and evaluated how well they worked. One stood head and shoulders above the rest.
How to describe your writing voice for AI tools: Tips from a professional ghostwriter
There is a ton of potential in AI text-generation tools like ChatGPT, as long as you can tell it how to write. And to do that, you need to know what it is that makes your own voice unique. 
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