Erin Ollila

Erin Ollila is an SEO copywriter, lover of pretzel bread, and host of the Talk Copy to Me podcast. Learn more and connect:


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Arielle Nissenblatt

Social Media & Community Expert

Erin Ollila

Erin Ollila is an SEO copywriter, lover of pretzel bread, and host of the Talk Copy to Me podcast. Learn more and connect:
How to use Threads as a podcaster
Hint: it's not about forcing a marketing strategy. It's about connecting, listening, and staying open to new ideas.
The pros and cons of using a podcast script
Explore the pros and cons of podcast scripting to help you understand whether this method of episode preparation is right for you and your show.
How to write an SEO YouTube description that encourages clicks
In this article, you’ll learn how to approach SEO research, as well as how to write a YouTube description that will draw users in and keep them consuming your content.
How to track podcast analytics: 5 data points to measure and grow your show
In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most common podcast analytics, why you may want to consider tracking them, and how to use the information you gather to make strategic decisions about your show.
How to optimize your podcast show notes for SEO (from an SEO expert)
In this article, you’ll learn what full-length podcast show notes are, why they’re an integral podcast marketing asset, and how to write them so you can attract more listeners and website viewers. 
How to save time by batch recording, editing, and marketing your podcast
Learn about the many ways you can batch podcast production tasks to free up your time, prepare for emergencies, and improve your podcast workflow.
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