Brandon Copple

Head of Content at Descript. Former Editor at Groupon, Chicago Sun-Times, and a bunch of other places. Dad. Book reader. Friend to many Matts.


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Arielle Nissenblatt

Social Media & Community Expert

Brandon Copple

Head of Content at Descript. Former Editor at Groupon, Chicago Sun-Times, and a bunch of other places. Dad. Book reader. Friend to many Matts.
How to Edit an Interview Video: Making a Captivating Narrative
The way you approach editing your interview will make a huge difference in both your workflow and the quality of your final product. Read on for some best practices for editing video interviews.
Brandon Copple
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How to make a stop motion video: A complete step-by-step guide
Learn what stop motion animation is, the different types, and how to create a stop motion video using stop motion photography techniques.
Making the Best Out of Your YouTube Banner
A YouTube channel banner is an essential part of your self-presentation on the platform. Your banner art also gives you an opportunity to provide a snapshot of your content.
Brandon Copple
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Brand guidelines: all about the look & feel of your brand
Brand guidelines have one core goal: to make your brand recognizable. You want to create a unique identity that allows your brand to be memorable and to stand out from competitors.
Brandon Copple
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Content Marketing: Creating Content to Attract, Engage, and Sell
Content marketing is a way of selling a product or promoting a brand by producing and publishing content. It can take many forms: a podcast article on a blog or posts on social media.
Social Media Manager Tools for Reaching Your Audience
Social media managers develop and execute a social media strategy, usually to gain followers or drive engagement. They'll need a few tools to create and execute the social media strategy.
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